SPEFL-SC Advocates for Sports as a Tool for Social Change at Asia’s Largest CSR Forum – The India CSR Summit

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New Delhi, October 13, 2023 – The Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure Skills Council (SPEFL-SC) proudly participated! SPEFL-SC, a leading organization in promoting sports, physical education, fitness, and leisure skills, seized the opportunity to highlight the importance of CSR in enhancing the well-being of communities and fostering holistic development. By participating in this momentous event, SPEFL-SC showcased its commitment to social responsibility and its contributions towards uplifting society through sports and physical education initiatives. During the summit, SPEFL-SC actively engaged in meaningful discussions, workshops, and networking sessions, connecting with like-minded individuals and organizations who share their vision of a healthier and more active society. The council also presented its innovative projects and initiatives aimed at promoting physical fitness and sports education across India. SPEFL-SC envisions a future where sports, physical education, and fitness become an integral part of every individual’s life. Their presence at the India CSR Summit reiterates their commitment to this vision and their role in fostering a culture of corporate responsibility.

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